

草莓族青春日誌18 145.5×97.0cm 2008  油彩 畫布
The Strawberry Journal 18  145.5×97.0cm 2008   Oil on canvas

也可以把這件作品稱作....哭泣殺神的草莓族版 (哭泣殺神是日本名漫畫家池上遼一的作品,描訴一個天才殺手但每次殺完人都會流淚)

展覽名稱:Play Stadium in 2008


展覽地點:香港藝術公社 ARTIST COMMUNE


開幕酒會:2008年10月3日 (October Contemporary)


策展人:羅健毓 Natasha Lo (Lo Chien–Yu)

統籌:李俊峰 Lee Chun-Fung





「台灣當代藝術連線」創始畫廊:也趣藝廊、新苑藝術、朝代藝術將率領新成員德鴻畫廊,於今年913在香港藝術公社舉辦Play Stadium in 2008 – 台灣當代藝術聯展,以運動、身體遊戲為主軸,看台灣年輕當代藝術家如何多樣化的呈現體育/ 藝術/ 政治/ 社會議題中的各種關連性與衝突性;展期為2008/9/132008/10/7。「Play Stadium in 2008」一展並同時受邀參與「拾月當代2008 OCTOBER CONTEMPORARY的當代藝術月串聯活動,以藝術公社為展出空間,針對年度主題 – Olympic,與香港其它八大藝術機構共同舉辦一系列展覽、講座、工作坊、座談會及表演。當代藝術連線為鼓勵台灣年輕藝術家躍上國際舞台,此次展覽更特地邀請了五位非畫廊簽約的藝術家共同參與,期待以更多元的媒材運用、更完整的創作面貌將台灣當代藝術呈現於香港。

台灣當代藝術連線 發揚台灣當代藝術實力


2007年歐洲大展的Grand Tour之後,2008年亞太各大雙年展的連結則繼續告示了全球藝術行銷的package化。在此同時,2008年北京奧運的開展,則表述了全球化資本主義以體育形態置入中國商業體系的各種可能;兩者都是全球化資本主義的完整體現。





Play Stadium in 2008」一展期待以台灣年輕藝術家作品,多樣化地呈現體育/藝術/政治/社會議題中的各種關聯性與衝突性,其中包括了以身體可能擾起政治意圖的行為互動性裝置作品,或是更為純粹地以平面繪畫,展現台灣出年輕世代對於身體形象於運動場的多種想像。參展藝術家名單為:陳永賢、姚瑞中、林冠名郭慧禪羅展鵬、王蔘、張騰遠、王佳琪、張宇騰、劉瀚之、黃彥穎、王琬瑜、吳奇育與石政哲。

< Play Stadium in 2008>
Group exhibition of Taiwan artists in response to art, sports, politic and identity

Date: 13 Sept – 7 Oct
Venue: Artist Commune

Both art and sports are spiritual activities borne by the civilization of human beings, which are the expressions of mental and physical aesthetic pursuit respectively. Yet sociological interpretation has ornamented contemporary art and sports with higher meanings, overshadowing the stances of political ideologies (e.g. debates over whether Olympic torch relay should arrive at Taiwan or not in 2007, controversy on Venice Biennale’s Theme Exhibition), globalization of capitalism (international sport events systems and legitimacy of sport betting, boom in art market), as well as rationalization of nationalism and legitimation.

Being the Beijing Olympic year, 2008 has brought special meanings to the three places across the straits, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. With China being the host, the Olympic Games have been the highlight of attention of Chinese from all parts of the world. It on one side can be decoded as a catalyst of modernization of mainland China and Hong Kong but on the other side adds intricate discrepancy between reality and crave with respect to the current situation in Taiwan.

The exhibition “Play Stadium in 2008” visualizes diverse interdependent and contradictory relationships among sports, art, political, social issues by works of Taiwanese young artists. It includes motional interactive installation works which make use of possibilities of human bodies to interrupt politics, as well as sole paintings, together which show the imaginations about body image in stadium by the younger generation born and bred in Taiwan. This exhibition will arouse intricate literal interpretation, when all these happened in Hong Kong in 2008.

This is one of the programmes of October Contemporary 2008.


Taiwan Contemporary Art Link and Artist -commune

Natasha C.Y. Lo

Chang Tang-Yuan, Chang Yu-Teng, Chen Yung-Hsien, Huang Yen-Yin,
Hung Yi, Kuo Hui-Chan, Lin Guan-Ming, Liu Han-Chih, Lo Chan-Peng,
Shih Chen-Che, Wang Tsen, Wang Chia-Chi, Wang Wan-Yu,
Wu Chi-Yu, Yao Jui-Chung

Address: 12 Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Rd, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Date: 13th Sept to 7th Oct 2008
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday 12pm – 8pm
Opening: 13th Sept 2008 (Sat) 7:00 pm
Curator’s talk: 4th Oct 2008 (Sat) 5:00pm


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